Thursday 23 June 2016

My roles in the production 2016

2016 Term 2

This Term we had production the production is called cinderella and rockerfella.
In this story I will be telling you my part for the production i am in two parts one is miming and one is dance. I'm a miner with two others Ashwin and Jaykib miming is where you go on the stage and act out stuff in the talent quest there is lots of other acts and miming is one of them.

My other thing i am in is boys dance the secret code name is boys volleyball. It is a thing in will look back on I am really excited to show of my moves also doing it is room 9 room 20 and room 10/11. We all can't wait I'm really excited There Is going To be more than 1000 people. in the crowd the teachers said we might not be  able to see them! .
 By Carter.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

my favourite thing to do fast track

Hi i'm carter i'm here to tell you about what my favorite  thing is to do in grill 2.0. In Grill 2.0 we have our work all on computer we have a big task of every week finishing our fast track i'll tell you a bit about that. Fast track is a google sheet  with all out task most of our work is done on google classroom.

The Reason i like doing fast track is because i can sit down on a computer and also be leaning and getting different skills on a computer. I  can also sit by my friends and talk and at the same time do my work but if i'm not getting enoughf work i work by myself and thats why i like fast  tack

The end